e • gerard@gerardassociates.com.my t • 07-222 9919 f • 07-222 0919 |
Resource |
The Law of Industrial Disputes (4th Edition) by O.P Malhotra |
The Law of Industrial Disputes (6th Edition) by O.P Malhotra |
Misconduct in Employment by B.R. Ghalye |
Practical Employment Law by Paul Lewis |
Law of Dismissal published by Commerce Clearing House (CCH) |
Employment Termination Law and Practice published by Commerce Clearing House (CCH) |
Selwyn's Law of Employment (8th Edition), Butterworth by Norman Selwyn |
Selwyn's Law of Employment (15th Edition), Butterworth by Norman Selwyn |
Sexual Harassment (including the Law & Court Decisions, USA) by Darlene Orlov & Micheal T. Roumell |
Industrial Relations Practice in Malaysia (2nd Edition) by Dunston Ayadurai |
Industrial Relations Practice in Malaysia (3nd Edition) by Dunston Ayadurai |
Employment Law (4th Edition) Deborah J.Lockton |
Industrial Relations Law of Malaysia (3rd Edition) Woo Min Aun |
Dismissal by Hew Soon Kiong |
Analysis of Collective Agreements and Awards on Terms and Conditions of Employment, published by Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) |
Leave and Absenteeism in Emploment published by Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) |
Malaysian Indusrtrial Relations and Emploment Law (6th Edition) by Maimunah Aminuddin |
Criminal Misconduct in Employment (Cases, Commentary & Materials) published by Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) |
Misconduct Enquiry & Disciplinary Action (Law & Procedure) by Dr. Shivaji Rao |
Law of Domestic Inquiry by P.K. Basu Majumdar |
Employment Relationship published by Malaysian Employers Federation (M.E.F) |
Employment Act Guide and Commentary by Malaysian Employers Federation (M.E.F) |
Industrial Relations Act Guide and Commentary by Malaysian Employers Federation (M.E.F) Cases & Materials On Employment Law (9th Edition) by Painter & Holmes |